Figure Drawing Code of Conduct Agreement
Olyphant Art Supply offers artists an opportunity to enhance their drawing skills in a supportive environment. Our sessions feature professional figure models posing nude/clothed for various time intervals, with breaks. Participants must be 18+. All Participants Must Bring A Government Issued I.D. To The Session So We Can Confirm Your Age.
**General Guidelines:**
- Professionalism is expected of all artists at all times in their behavior toward figure models.
- No photography.
- Phones must be silent and out of sight during poses.
- Respectful communication towards models and fellow attendees is required.
- Respect Olyphant Art Supply property; clean up any messes.
- Return all borrowed art supplies.
**Artist Responsibilities:**
- Respect the model's privacy and personal space; refrain from touching or photographing the model.
- Avoid prolonged eye contact with the model and refrain from chatting during poses.
- Be ready to work when the figure model takes the pose, minimizing disruptions during the session.
- Address concerns about poses to the facilitator, not the model directly.
- Refrain from making comments about the model's body type, features, or personality.
- Avoid asking the model personal questions or inviting them on a date.
**Overall Etiquette:**
- Adhere to the code of conduct to ensure a safe and respectful environment.
- Express appreciation to models for their participation.
- Focus on creating art and fostering a supportive community.
Almost all life drawing studio etiquette is based around respect for the model. Remember, the model is putting themselves in a vulnerable position for the benefit of the artists, so keeping models happy and comfortable is our first priority.
Please note that there will be no formal instruction provided during sessions, but facilitators will be available to offer informal tips and tricks upon request.
By participating in our figure drawing sessions, you agree to abide by this code of conduct. We reserve the right to refuse future admission to folks who have made our community feel unsafe. Additionally, to ensure fair compensation for our professional models, we do not offer refunds.
By purchasing a modeling session ticket you agree to these terms, and you acknowledge that you are legally permitted to participate in activities that require individuals to be 18 years of age or older. You understand that providing false information regarding your age may result in legal consequences and termination of services.
We appreciate your cooperation in maintaining a positive atmosphere for all participants. Let's create and learn together! We look forward to seeing you!